What to Expect:

We want everyone to feel confident to come back to our live services.  To help you have a safe experience watch this video to know what to expect as you join us for service.  In addition, please see below some frequently asked questions.  While we welcome everyone – please do not attend if you are feeling unwell or show any Symptoms of COVID-19 – For more information please visit https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/


Q: Am I required to wear a mask to the on-site service?

A: Yes.  As of July 31st the Nova Scotia government requires wearing a non-medical mask in most indoor public places – this includes places of worship.  For More information visit :  https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/restriction-updates/

Q: Will masks be available?

A: Yes.  However, we do have a limited number of non-medical masks available so if possible please bring your own.

Q: Are we still required to physically distance with face masks?

A: Yes.  Our auditorium has been configured to allow for physical distancing.  When you arrive our ushers will seat everyone attending the service in “bubbles” based on our current restrictions.  Once seated, we ask that you remain seated until the service is over – unless of course you have to use the restroom 🙂

Q: Why do I have to register?

A: Primarily it helps our ushers to plan seating with physical distancing and to make sure we have enough seats available.  We are blessed to have a larger facility but planning is key.

Q: If I’m not ready to return will the services still be online?

A: Yes.  Please visit our YouTube channel HERE

Q: Will coffee, tea or snacks be available after the service?

A: No, but feel free to bring your own beverage in a sealed travel mug.

Q: Will there be any Nursery or programming provided for my children?

A: No not currently, but we are working towards providing safe options for Kings Kids, Nursery & CIA down the road.  We will let you know when they become available.  In the meantime, please feel free to bring a quiet activity for your children to do during the service.

Q: Can I bring snacks for my children?

A: Yes! Please make sure snacks are prepackaged or in a disposable bag.

Q: Can I gather to talk with others who are attending before or after the on-site service?

A: Yes but given the limited space and our commitment to safely direct everyone while maintaining physical distancing we would ask that you wait until after the service is over and our ushers direct you out of the facility.  Please reserve conversations to the church parking lot.  Also, please maintain social distancing as recommended by the provincial government (2 metres; 6 feet apart) and make sure that others are comfortable chatting with you (we are all at different stages of comfort during COVID-19).

Q: When should I arrive to the on-site service?

A: We encourage you to arrive 10 to 15 minutes early (10:15am) to allow our ushers time to seat you.  Once again – please physically distance yourself 6 feet or 2 meters apart as you arrive and are waiting to be seated.  Our service will begin at 10:30.

Q: What is Lake Echo Fellowship Baptist doing to keep people safe?

A: Your safety is important to us!  First, our trustees and ministry leaders have spent several weeks developing a plan based on the Nova Scotia governments COVID-19 prevention guidelines to keep everyone safe.  Also, our building is set up to accommodate and encourage social distancing.  Hand sanitizer stations have been placed throughout the building.  In addition, our ushers are available to answer any questions you might have.