


In ur church we belive that children ministry exists to connect you to God and also ministry is amazing community for people who want help.



Our children ministry exists to provide you with tools and resources to help you ignite your passions, deepen your faith in Jesus, and lead a purpose-driven life.



We believe our community gives you opportunities to express your shape for ministry and live your life on mission, empowering you to live boldly.

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An Overview About

Church Ministry

Lisa Norman

Lisa Norman

Children Minstry

What is Children ministry about?

Children’s Ministry exists to lead women in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We are friends: old friends making new friends, always allowing the circle to grow wider.
We are sisters: accepting one another and challenging each other to grow in our faith.

We are image-bearers: like Father, like daughter, we take Christ in us to our community, revealing His love and grace to a broken world. We hope you’ll join us as we grow in our relationship with Jesus together. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me.

Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together.


What do we care about?

Experience heartfelt worship, good friends and a refreshing look into God’s Word in a comfortable, casual setting. Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters offered.

Church is committed to coming alongside families in a way that helps strengthen and grow them. We look forward to connecting with you and growing with you as we experience God’s love together through moments. Spring and Fall semesters offered.

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